Wallpapers versatile adaptability, easy installation, and simple maintenance make it an ideal selection for all situations, from a residential dwelling to an elegant business setting. It is available in many different patterns and materials, making it an optimal choice to cover any wall in need of a little color or finish!
Wallpaper is an excellent DIY project for the eager decorator. With well chosen paper, thoroughly prepared walls, and wallpaper paste, the room being “papered” can usually be covered quickly in 1-2 days, if it is a regular-sized room, or 2-4 days if it is a larger room.
Follow these easy steps to hang your wallpaper like a pro:
• Your first focus will be on wall preparation. Be certain that the wall is smooth and clean. Use spackle or a similar compound to smooth out any cracks or gouges in the walls surface. Sandpaper the walls after applying spackle to ensure a smooth surface.
• While some wallpaper comes with glue already applied and only requires water to activate the glue for pasting purposes, most of the papers still require the application of glue to hang the paper and make it stick to the walls. Clear wallpaper glue is recommended.
• Be certain by measuring the wall space to be covered that you have sufficient paper to finish the job.
• Before hanging, cut the paper to be hung approximately 4 inches longer than the wall to be covered; that will allow a margin which can be trimmed off once the paper is hung on the wall, after the paper is smoothed flat from the top before it dries.
• Before gluing the strips of paper to the wall, lay them out on the floor to be certain that the pattern is matched at the seam. Tape the strips with removable painters tape.
• Mix the clear glue to be used in a paint tray; apply it to the back of the strips before hanging them. Smooth the paper from the center of the wall to its ends, both upward and downward, being sure that the seam patterns continue to match. After the paper has dried to the wall, cut off your margin at the bottom to ensure that the paper is straight.
If you make any errors why adding installing the wallpaper, here are three easy wallpaper repair tips.