How To Install a Tin Ceiling

While tin ceilings used to be common in commercial buildings and residential housing in the 19th and 20th centuries, they fell out of fashion and have recently become popular once again as a decorative feature. It is possible to install your own tin ceiling to fit  with any décor you are featuring in your space by following simple decorating modifications to achieve a totally new and elegant old-world appearance in the room. Tin is an appropriate ceiling surface for any room, but lends special charm to kitchens, dining rooms, and family den areas.

Follow these simple steps to attach your own new tin ceiling in your home:

• Metal ceilings, which are commonly called tin ceilings, can either be applied by using pre-made fashioned metal tiles or metal strips which are then hammered to plywood after measuring for the space where they will be installed.

• First, a plywood sub ceiling must be erected all along the existing ceiling to attach the tin surface to, whether the tin being installed is tin tiles or tin slats. While the tin tiles or strips may be attached to the surface above them with straps, the procedure of nailing firmly to plywood placed for that purpose is much more permanent and is the suggested method of installation.

• Be sure when installing that you match any patterns ahead of time to apply the tiles or strips in correct order to create the pattern. This is made easier by laying the pieces out in advance on a flat surface!

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