Removing Stains From Vinyl And Other Resilient Tiles

To prevent stains form vinyl or other resilient tile, wipe up any spills as soon as they accrue. Stubborn stains or stains that you where unable to clean off right away may need some extra attention.

The first thing you should do is  remove the stain from the vinyl floor by wiping with a clean cloth moistened with liquid-detergent floor cleaner. If this dose not work you may use a nylon pad for more heavy residue.

If the stain  from the vinyl floor still dose not come up, try each of the following products, one at a time.

  1. Rubbing alcohol
  2. liquid chlorine bleach
  3. turpentine
  4. lighter fluid

CAUTION: Do not apply turpentine, nail polish remover, or lighter fluid to asphalt or rubber tile. Do not  apply bleach to cork flooring.

Apply each of the above products to a clean white cloth. Turn the cloth frequently while rubbing the stain from the vinyl. Allow the product to remain on the vinyl floor for 30 minutes. When the stain from the vinyl is finally gone, rinse the area with water and let dry. Apply a floor finish like polish or wax if you normally have used one on your vinyl floor.

Avoid using any abrasive scouring powders or pads. Before using any cleaning products, test it on an inconspicuous area.