Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007 – What You Need To Know

GE' CFL Range of Light

In 2007 Congress passed the Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007, which will aid the America people by transitioning to a more energy-efficient future by phasing out incandescent light bulbs between 2012 and 2014. By the removal of incandescent light bulbs from store shelves, homes and buildings within the next five years, the US will be saving billions of dollars each year of taxpayers’ money by reducing the amount of energy they consume.

This Act of Congress was designed to phase-out inefficient incandescent light bulbs to high-output, low-energy consumption bulbs like CFLs, LEDs, and halogens bulbs. Below you will find everything you will need to know about CFLs and LEDs, as well as what you need to know about the Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007 and how it will apply to you.

GE Energy Efficient CFL BlubWhat are CFLs? Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs or CFL differ then an incandescent light bulb by the way if produces light. An incandescent bulb uses an electric current that runs through a wire filament and heats the filament until it starts to glow. A CFL uses an electric current that drives through a tube that contains argon and a small amount of mercury vapor. This process generates invisible ultraviolet light that reacts with the fluorescent coating within the tube, which then releases visible light.

What are the benefits of CFL? CFLs uses 75 percent less energy and will lasts about 10 times longer than an incandescent bulb. If every home in American replaced just one light in their home with a CFL light, enough energy would be saved to light more than 3 million homes for a year.

How do you save money with CFL? Compact fluorescent light bulbs will save you about $30 over its lifetime and pay for itself within 6 months.  Although the initial price of a CFL is more expensive than an incandescent light bulb, CFLs use 1/3 of the electricity than a regular light bulb and last up to 10 times as long. A single 18 watt CFL will save you about 570 kWh over its lifetime; at 8 cents per kWh that equals a $45 savings during the life of the bulb.

Do CFLs offer high-quality light? CFLs give out a warm inviting light unlike the “cool white” light of a fluorescent light bulb. The new electronically ballasted CFLs don’t flicker or hum and come in a variety of shapes and sizes unlike the old CFLs in the classic spiral shape.

GE CFLs Shapes and Sizes

Is the mercury in CFLs hazardous to my health? Mercury is a toxic metal that can lead to adverse health effects. A CFL bulb generally contains an average of 5 mg of mercury, that is about one-fifth of what is found in the average watch battery and less than 1/100th of the mercury found in an amalgam dental filling.* While the mercury in a compact fluorescent bulbs dose not poses a threat while in the bulb, however if you break one you should follow the steps below with caution:

- Open a window to air out the room for 15 minutes or more.

- Use a wet rag and gloves to pick up the broken pieces. Make sure to dispose the gloves and the rag, with the broken CFL, into a sealed plastic bag.

- Contact your nearest recycling center to see if they can accept broken CFLs.

- Make sure to wash your hands after you have disposed the broken compact fluorescent light bulb.

Burned out CFLs can be dropped off at your local Home Depot stores.

What are LED lights? Light Emitting Diodes are a solid light bulb which are enormously energy-efficient. Older models of LEDs were limited to a single-bulb usually found in your instrument panels, electronics, and more commonly the strings of indoor and outdoor Christmas lights.

What are the benefits of LEDs? Light Emitting Diodes last up to 10 times as long as compact fluorescents light bulbs and 20 times longer than the typical incandescent bulbs. LEDs are mercury-free and LEDs do not have a filament that can normally be easily damaged within the CFLs. Because they are built as a solid, LED bulbs hold up well.

How do you save money with LED? Because LEDs last for years, not only will you save money on energy coast, but you will save in maintenance and replacement costs far beyond the purchasing coast. Because LEDs require low power to run, using solar panels throughout your home becomes more reasonable.

So what does the Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007 mean to you?

  •  The Act WILL NOT is requiring you to throw out your incandescent light bulbs.
  •  Incandescent light bulbs between 40 and 100 watts will be phased out during 2012 and 2014.
  •  The Act requires that all light bulbs sold must maintaining the same or greater light output and quality as an incandescent light bulb.
  • Incandescent bulbs less than 40 watts or more than 150 watts including any appliance lamps, rough-service, 3-way bulbs, colored lamps and plant lights will be free from the Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007.

For more information regarding government rules and regulations surrounding this legislation such as ways to recycle light bulbs, energy-savings tips and other key topics, please visit:


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